Got VNC? : VNC-roulette [Script]

.. so I had some spare time and I wanted to share with you guys something cool ! I built a tool with same concept as the vncroulette website which has been put offline. To search for open VNC servers then login, if no authentication is required take a screenshot then save it and move […]

HeartBleed – Exploiting the net “CVE-2014-0160”

  Heartbleed has the potential to be one of the biggest most widespread vulnerability in the history of the modern Internet, at the root of Heartbleed is encryption. The internet has a set of protocols for security and encryption commonly known as “Security Socket Layers” S.S.L and its successor “Transport Layer Security” T.L.S, the most […]

ZynOS – Part 2 ( Taking over the network )

Hello again 🙂 I’m going to recap from the last post. So what I’m about to demonstrate in this post is the impact that can some attacker cause to your network once he access the router  .. We have access to the router but our goal is to get a foothold on the remote network, […]